Thursday, October 30, 2008

Flannery O'Connor

I walked over to the bookstore today, across Sunflower and over the 'Unity Bridge' (has to be the gayest name for a bridge ever, not that there is anything wrong with that-vote no on 8) past the Rolex display case that had a new watch in it with a walnut face and all diamond dial that I will buy one day and into the bookstore.

I took the escalator up to the second floor and went straight to the V's to re-read 'God Bless you Dr. Kevorkian' but upon pulling it out I thought better of it and put it back.

Do you know what the brushes on escalators are for? I do now. It was on the today show but that's not where I found out about it. I learnt it from a book.

After putting 'God Bless You ...' back in its place I went to the O's and pulled from the shelves 'Everything That Rises Must Converge'.

I took it to an empty desk I found and started to read the introduction. I quickly learnt that though her stories are some of my favorites I couldn't give two shits about Flannery's life story. So i turned to the first page of the book, page 1.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Life

The Game came out with this rap song a couple weeks (months?) ago and though I hate Lil' Wayne, the Game has some pretty good lyrics.

Amongst my favorites--especially to sing out in the lineup--is "We are not the same, I am a martian; So approach my phantom doors with caution."

You know what I like about The Game? He goes there. He was arrested for pulling out a gun at a pick-up basketball game in longbeach. Now most of you literaties out there who might be reading this blog for my insightful literary reviews will probably scoff at that as "low" or "detestable" but I ask of you: What is the difference between that and a Cowboy pulling out a revolver during a poker game in the 1880's? We all laud over Val fucking Kilmer because he's a cowboy, and cheer kids on when they choose to be the cowboy in cowboy and indians games but a black man does this now and it is despicable.

More old west style regulation I say.

Reminds me of a point I heard my grandpa make. He said that the reason chivalry and conduct was so important two centuries ago was because everyone was capable of carrying firearms and at any time you could be put into place by a Colt revolver if you stepped out of line--so people didn't.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Back Again

I am back yo.

I guess it is only applicable that I do the usual 20th century lit ball washing and get down to business telling you all how much I enjoyed "Hocus Pocus" just now. Kurt did a good one this time. It is a light read and I think I will need to read it again but for now I recommend it to be read and check back soon for whenever I re-read it so I can give some actual insight into it--or, never mind, you guys probably aren't looking for my insight so I will end this all with this: read "Hocus Pocus" by Kurt Vonnegut, it is worth it.