Thursday, October 30, 2008

Flannery O'Connor

I walked over to the bookstore today, across Sunflower and over the 'Unity Bridge' (has to be the gayest name for a bridge ever, not that there is anything wrong with that-vote no on 8) past the Rolex display case that had a new watch in it with a walnut face and all diamond dial that I will buy one day and into the bookstore.

I took the escalator up to the second floor and went straight to the V's to re-read 'God Bless you Dr. Kevorkian' but upon pulling it out I thought better of it and put it back.

Do you know what the brushes on escalators are for? I do now. It was on the today show but that's not where I found out about it. I learnt it from a book.

After putting 'God Bless You ...' back in its place I went to the O's and pulled from the shelves 'Everything That Rises Must Converge'.

I took it to an empty desk I found and started to read the introduction. I quickly learnt that though her stories are some of my favorites I couldn't give two shits about Flannery's life story. So i turned to the first page of the book, page 1.

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