Thursday, August 7, 2008

By Me

Our Story

The Very Beginning

You sat next to me the very first day of class. I only saw the side of your face because everytime I looked over you were looking away. You say the same thing to me--that you only saw the side of my face, my mouth hanging open like it does all the time.

The next week class didn't meet because it was labor day and the whole school was off. I didn't get to see you and I remember wanting to.

The next time we met I came in and sat down next to you, put my books to the side of my seat and waited for class to start. It wasn't books that I put down next to me though, it was a bright yellow plastic Nikon bag from the photography store, I remember because I never had the text books for that class, I borrowed them from you. I kept all my photography class stuff in it and had just come from the darkroom. I remember because you said thats how you knew I was doing photography. The teacher asked for the asignment that was due and I panicked and left class thinking I was already behind and might as well drop the course. I didn't though. I came back after I calmed down and realized it might not be the end of the world. I came back because I still wanted to talk to you, and how wierd would it be if I waited outside the door for you that night or the next week? So I went back and I remember sitting behind you, the seat next to you was taken.

I raised my hand and voiced my opinion on something the teacher had said. I think you might have laughed or atleast chuckled. When the class broke for break you turned around and asked "Do you surf Huntington?" and I said "No. Never.". You turned back around facing forward in your seat.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Ashly" you replied.

"I'm David." I said to you.

We shook hands and smiled and you turned back around in your seat as the professor started class again.

After class ended that night I remember you walking next to me as we headed for the parking lot, not right next to me, but close enough, I figured, to hear me if I talked loud enough.

"That movie was pretty booring, huh?" I said loud enough to be heard by you and probably the ten people also walking near us.

Then you talked to me. I knew you were special. I rememeber you saying your dad was into photography too, and that you liked to surf.

"Give me your phone number and we'll go surf sometime." I said. I wasn't smooth at all.

I Thought You Blew Me Off

I had your phone number in my cell phone and I finally had a Friday free. I called you early in the afternoon to see if you wanted to meet me at the beach. You answered. You were at a soccer game with your roommate watching her younger brother. Somewhere in Mission Viejo or some place like that. You said you'd be done soon and would call me as soon as you were. I went home and just kind of waited around for you to call. I don't know if I told you so at the time or ever, but I was kind of just hanging out at home jsut waiting for you to call. A couple of hours passed and I still hadn't heard from you. Then you called. I really thought that you had blown me off, that you really weren't calling me because you didn't want to hang out. You said you fell alseep.

We met at the beach a little while later. I went surfing while I waited for you and by the time you came I was just laying on the beach waiting for you. You walked up and were beautiful. I couldn't tell you that right then because I didn't want to seem like a creep, but you really were.

You layed down next to me and we watched the surf for a little while and Jake came by and grabbed a board and went out surfing. We watched him for a while and watched the sun go down. We were lying just a little ways from Tower Sixty Eight.

We left the beach to go get some food. I took you to Taco Mesa and just as I ordered I realized that I had left my credit card in my other shorts and had no money so I walked away from the cash register and was just going to sit and talk to you. You bought me my food though. We sat there and talked about everything. You say that I was smiling so much and I don't doubt it because I was so stoked to be eating dinner with such a beautiful girl.

After dinner we were standing by our cars in the parking lot and me being so smooth offered--since you bought me dinner that night--to take you out to dinner another night, to make up for that night. I was so excited that you said yes, because I really wanted to spend more time with you and that was my chance to really take you out on a date.

We both left after that. You had a party to go to and some girl wanted to hang out with me that night. Walking from my car in the garage to my apartment you called saying you were lost, that you must have taken a wrong turn, and asked what I was doing that night. I wanted you to come over. I wanted to spend more time with you.

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